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Meet Our Amazing Physicians

Dr. Nancy J. Germer, M.D.

Board-Certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist

Nancy has practiced medicine in Denver since 1980. She graduated from the University of Nebraska Medical School and completed her Residency at Mount Zion, San Francisco. She lives in Englewood with her husband and has three adult children.

Dr. Tasha Kalra, M.D.

Board-Certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist

Dr. Kalra received her undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan and her medical degree from Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine in Dayton, Ohio. She completed her postgraduate training at Case Western Reserve University Hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio.

She pursued Obstetrics and Gynecology because she is passionate about caring for women throughout all stages in life as health needs change. She values care beyond routine exams, listening to a woman’s specific concerns, alleviating any fears and promoting empowerment to improve health outcomes. Her specific interests include general and high risk obstetrics, minimally invasive gynecologic surgery, infertility, sexual health, colposcopy, family planning and preventative medicine.

Dr. Kalra enjoys spending precious time with her family and friends. She enjoys music, dance, traveling, and experiencing new foods and cultures throughout the world.

Dr. Meredith Townsend, D.O.


Dr. Townsend is a board-certified physician who completed her residency in OB/GYN at Inspira Medical Center in Southern New Jersey. During her training she cared for a high-risk obstetric population and developed a passion for minimally invasive surgical techniques. She prides herself on empowering women to take charge of their health throughout all stages of life. Though she was born and raised in Massachusetts, she received her medical degree from Rocky Vista University, in Parker, and is excited to be back in Colorado with her husband and two daughters.

Dana Klindt

Dana Klindt, MD.


Dr. Klindt was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan where she completed her undergrad degree from University of Michigan and medical degree from Central Michigan University. She went on to complete her residency training at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. During training she gained experience with high risk obstetrics and minimally invasive gynecologic surgery. Her interest in obstetrics and gynecology stems from a passion for women’s health and the ability to help women through all the joys and hardships of life. After her training she moved to the Denver area to be closer to her sister and two wonderful nieces. Outside of work she enjoys skiing, yoga, traveling, exploring new coffee shops and breweries, and enjoying sunny Colorado.

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